Ever wondered how inspections are carried out efficiently in the aerospace industry?

For this edition of RoboCafé we will fly in two speakers who fill in different roles in our airspace. First, Andreas Verbruggen from Bladesense will discuss the automation of aircraft inspections. Next, Bas Piek of MCS Benelux will demonstrate how 5G can make data fly, as is now also being experimented with the Do IOT Fieldlab.

Our refreshed RoboCafé is designed to let you slip comfortably out of the formal into the casual. It combines simple, good quality drinks and canapes with an easygoing atmosphere and a diversity of high-grade people from all walks of life.


17:00 Welcome! Have a drink and a snack
17:15 Presentation, demos + Q&A by Andreas Verbruggen (founder Bladesense)
17:35 Presentation, demos + Q&A by Bas Piek (Commercial Director-Partner MCS Benelux)
17:50 Discussions, networking & drinks
19:00 End of RoboCafé


EXPO of RoboHouse, Julianalaan 67, Delft

Event Co-funded as part of the European Union’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

17:00 – 19:00
RoboHouse, Julianalaan 67, Delft