RoboValley and the municipality of Delft team up with The Hague Security Delta (HSD). During today’s RoboCafé ‘Trends in Robotics within the field of Security’, the partnership contracts were officially signed.
There are many opportunities in the cross-overs between the security and robotics sectors. By sharing knowledge and networks, RoboValley and HSD hope to stimulate innovations in the field of ‘unmanned’ and security. Both organisations connect companies, knowledge institutions and government agencies in order to stimulate innovation. Common themes are digitisation, automation, robotics, ‘unmanned’ and education.

Stimulate innovation
“The intention of this collaboration is to share knowledge in specific themes and to utilise each other’s networks”, says RoboValley’s managing director Arthur de Crook. “By joining forces, we can stimulate more innovations in these fields. The organisation of this RoboCafé and the collaboration at the TUS Expo during the International Robotics Week are examples of how we can profit from each other.”
Richard Franken from HSD is convinced that this collaboration will bring both organisations many advantages. The innovations in digitisation, robotics and unmanned develop at an incredible fast pace, and offer many opportunities, both for companies and end-users, he states. “It is important that we assure that these developments are in line with the development of digital security in these domains. Bringing together the networks and partners of both clusters on these theme’s will give added value to our collaboration.”
The partnership between HSD and the municipality of Delft is important for both Delft and the entire region. “This contributes to the innovation power, security and will create extra jobs in The Netherlands and in specific the region of Delft and The Hague”, says deputy mayor of the municipality of Delft, Ferrie Förster.
During the RoboCafé, organised together with HSD, attendees were informed about the industrial applications of robots for security and how this will influence the security domain. Edwin Lustig of Robot Security Systems presented its robot Sam which is used for security applications.