This is your opportunity to develop a robot from scratch within 5 months. If you choose to become a project client in this programme, a multidisciplinary team of Minor Robotics students (of Delft University and ROC Mondriaan) will, under your guidance, design and build a functional robotic prototype. The minor takes place from September till January and we end with a Demo Day which takes place at RoboHouse on the TU Delft Campus.
The benefits:
✔ Working with talented students
✔ Custom-made robot prototypes
✔ A working robot within 5 months
Interested? Read more and submit a business case.
Challenging assignments for the ambitious talents of the TU Delft Robotics Master’s are also very welcome. Please contact the Master’s coordinator.
Check out the projects of the minor Robotics 2023-2024 and the Demo Day 2024 After Movie!