The robot is designed to clean strongly curved ship surfaces. Depending on the vessel, around 60% of the ship’s hull surface is curved.

“Our mission is to keep your fleet clean without operational impact using safe and sustainable robot technology”

Fleet Cleaners robot captures all removed fouling, so that the water environment is not affected by the cleaning operation. This enables in-port cleaning. Due to the magnetic attachment system, the robot adheres strongly to the ship and is able to clean under any environmental circumstances. Even in port areas, where there are often strong currents, waves or winds, the availability of the robotic services is not limited.

Fleet Cleaner Robot in short:

  • Magnetic attachment
  • Cleaning with high-pressure waterjets
  • Capturing fouling
  • Compact design (2m x 1.8m x 0.6m)
  • Fast operations (1200m²/hr)
  • No divers

About Fleet Cleaner

“Sailing without fouling”

At Fleet Cleaner, they believe in a world where ships sail without fouling. Fouling on ship’s hulls increases fuel consumption, harmful emissions and results in the transport of alien invasive species: its global impact on the economy and environment is huge. Fleet Cleaner will reduce its impact to zero, offering worldwide hull cleaning services to ships just before sailing. When high quality cleaning without downtime for the ship operator becomes as normal as taking bunkers, ships will sail without fouling.

See other robots that were made in RoboHouse

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