Our address

RoboHouse is located at Julianalaan 67 and 67A on TU Delft Campus in Delft. The main entrance is on the right-hand side of the building.


Parking space at our grounds is limited. You may find some free space across the street, but please be aware that the municipality of Delft just introduced paid parking for the entire local area. As of today, you can still park for free at the Faculty of Architecture (Zuidplantsoen 2A, 2628 BL Delft), which is just a 5 minute walk from RoboHouse. This too may change, so please check signage.

Public transport

RoboHouse can be easily reached by public transport. Check this online service for detailed and up-to-date travel advice.

If the weather allows it, why not take a nice walk through the historic city centre of Delft. From the train station, it’s only 20 minutes on foot to reach RoboHouse.